
People Should Learn from the Cuban Experience

As absurd as it may appear, the strategy and experience of the Cuban 'Special Period' of the nineties of the past century could be useful to the West in terms of the crisis that is plaguing the world today.

Hay que aprovechar experiencias cubanas

Por paradójico que parezca, la estrategia y las experiencias cubanas del “período especial” de los años noventa del pasado siglo podrían e útiles a Occidente en las condiciones de la crisis en que se adentra hoy el mundo.

Corporate Japan Turns its Back on Effort to Stop Global Warming

Japan’s business circles are united in standing against the effort to stop global warming on the grounds that “the public will be forced to pay the cost” without mentioning the merit of the effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Secret Searches, Secret evidence – Australia Slipping Towards a Police State

Australia's NSW government has used crimes allegedly carried out by members of bikie clubs to justify introducing laws that would strip the state’s citizens of their the civil rights.

Venezuela Proposes Oil-Backed Currency, South-South Alliances

During the second Summit of Arab and South American Nations in Doha, Qatar, on Tuesday, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez proposed a new international currency backed by oil reserves and an international bank managed jointly by petroleum exporting countries.

GOP Budget Little More than 'Talking Points,' Says White House

Producing an alternative to the Obama budget plan has been something of a fiasco for congressional Republicans. They began in February by debating the scope of the Obama budget, criticizing the spending growth and inherited deficits as if President Obama created the problems facing the country.

G-20: Uncertainty and Cuba

The G-20, made up of the most economically developed and emerging nations, which represent some 90 percent of the global GDP, 80 percent of world trade and two-thirds of the population, will hold a summit on April 2nd in London.

Former US Official Arrested in Italy

ROME (Reuters) - John C. Yoo, a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the United States, was arrested on Tuesday in Milan, Italy, and is being held for possible extradition to Spain.

Obama and Afghanistan: Now Is Not the Time for Silence

Over strong criticisms from many in its antiwar constituency, the Obama administration last week announced a second increase in the number of US troops in Afghanistan.

'We the People' to 'King of the World': 'YOU'RE FIRED!'

Nothing like it has ever happened. The President of the United States, the elected representative of the people, has just told the head of General Motors -- a company that's spent more years at #1 on the Fortune 500 list than anyone else -- 'You're fired!'

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