Below I have pasted two articles for both liberals, labor members of various left organizations and parties. In should be a wake up call for those who are observing while Hillary Clinton plays traditional patronage politics to win over leaders of trade unions and prominent Democrats to gain the Democratic presidential nomination. For trade union leaders out of touch with their members and seeking either positions in or protection from a Clinton administration, this makes a certain sense. For prominent Democrats used to taking their mass constituents for granted who seek either local patronage or positions for themselves and their underlings in a Clinton administration, this makes some sense. But for leaders of broad left organizations and parties, who will receive nothing directly from a Clinton administration, it makes little sense. Doing organizatoinal work and running propaganda interference for a candidate like Clinton before she is nominated under the delusion that this will somehow hold her to the left and/or strengthen the left organization or party among the masses of people doesn't make sense. Communists did this effectively after Franklin Roosevelt was elected President for example, both moving him to the left and advancing mass organizations and struggles and the CPUSA after his administration moved to the left, forming a center left coalition with the administration. Bernie Sanders is the candidate of the broad left. He has used the word socialism in a way that no one, including Franklin Roosevelt ever did. Full support for him to to and through the convention and opposition to those who endorses Clinton now is the only rational policy for left organizations and parties that seek to avoid business as usual cooptation and or marginalization. And rank and file people in trade unions, left organizations of all kinds and of course the liberal wing of the Democratic party are taking that position.